Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

The Types Of Koki Fish

Now, the goldfish is growing and a variety of shapes and colors in accordance with the uniqueness of each type. Body shape and pattern of scales was varied, from red, yellow, black, green, gold, silver, or combinations of these colors.In the market we are most koki are from China, Japan, and Thailand. And do not miss the chef is also the country of original from Tulungagung, East Java. Several types of Goldfish koki circulating in the community, among others, Ranchu, Lionhead, Ryukin, Tosakin, Koki Pearl, Eye Balloons, Oranda, Belo Eye, Black moor


Cute koki ( koki Ranchu = handsome, Japanese ) is a lot of hobbyist koki seek. Koki who is also in dubbed The King Of Goldfish are classified as the oldest type. First discovered in Japan in 1784.A glimpse of the handsome appearance similar to Lionhead. However ranchu have more curved ridges form (Hunchback), short body, protruding cheeks, and tail position is higher than the back. Because of the posture, the type of chef is more like a sinking feed. His body can reach 25cm more.On the basis of color, ranchu can be divided into several groups. Like the brown ranchu (dominated his shiny brown color), red and white ranchu (red and white all over his body), Kaliko ranchu or ranchu five colors (pattern of red, white, black, sometimes blue in all parts of the body) and black ranchu (all jet black body). There is also a red ranchu plain white and plain colors.Ranchu privilege is not just about the color. Cuteness ranchu body shape into one of the attractions of this type of koki. Moreover, the quality is still at least ranchu captivity of the breeder. Most only 10% of good quality seedlings.

Ranchu has a topnotch quality have a sturdy body shape, large, and harmonious. Body rounded, forming a half circle back (hunchback), and tail up. Movement funny and handsome, neat and intact fins, and the colors should be brilliant. Ridges form an important part in the selection ranchu, then the head, tail, and abdomen. So no wonder the back ranchu at high values.


Koki backs of this type do not finned plain, flat, and is longer than the ranchu. While the big fat head and covered almost all parts of the head. At first glance his face like a lion, so that the head aka the nicknamed lion lion's head. Belly
tail fin split in two parts . In Japan there are varieties of long-tailed lion head, his name shukin.

The lion's head has been cultivated more or less 50 years. But to get the lion head contest quality is not an easy matter. Than 1,000 seedlings of only five tails that can be relied upon to achieve champion. That is, to get a lion head quality, the ratio is 1:200. Life expectancy of these fish between 7-8 years, with records must be kept in good condition.


Type ryukin have triangular faces. Stomach and back are "humped" appear balanced. Color pattern of red, white, red and white, and cherry (patterned similar to the type calcio without black spots). Dorsal fin was standing upright. While the tail fin split in half and cover the anal fin.

This fish originally been developed in china. But after being sent to countries Sunrise, it cooks rapidly growing. Emerged as a new type ryukin koki who has eyes like the eyes of demekin belo. 


This fish is similar ryukin briefly. Understandably, his ancestors did ryukin. However tosakin has a characteristic that is not its tail fin split in half. Tosakin the only chef who has a double tail can not separate the top. Type of fish is produced by the breeders in Japan.

 Tosakin figure looks fantastic when viewed from above (Top View). From head to body oval and in the base of the tail narrows. Fluffy tail fin. Well, good news for hobbyist because now there are kind-eyed tosakin belo.


Koki pearl (pearl scale) appeared around 1900. Spotted scales glistened like pearls. Typical body shapes, round like a tennis ball. Distended stomach, cone-shaped head and small muzzle. While the tail split in half to form branching. When the middle of its tail to swim on the surface.

Based on the shape of the head, pearls can be distinguished and not have a tuft tuft. Various shades of colors: pearl red-gold, plain white, red and white mix. As for calico pattern has a base color with specks of bluish violet, red, pink, yellow-brown, and black.


Uniqueness matabalon (buble eyes), bags under his eyes dilated like a balloon. This section is easily injured, so this type should be separated from the koki of type "grumpy". Also avoid installing decorative aquarium pointy.

When swimming, the eyes of the balloon must be balanced, not leaning forward. His body should be short with plain back without fins. Tail
fin must be split and expand. Bags under his eyes right and left should be equal or balanced and equal.The pattern of the scales vary: plain, orange, pink, black and red. There are also combinations of several colors or patterned flowers. For example the combination of red, black, blue, and white.

 Oranda derived from the Japanese language which means the Netherlands. Since the days when the early arrival of the Dutch to the Japanese, the Dutch brought the fish cooks. So that the Japanese named it Oranda fish, meaning Dutch.Type oranda or pencer belly is round and has no dorsal fin. Its tail is very long. Distinctive characteristics, there is an orange topknot on the head or red. Oranda-like hat with a red crest first appeared in 1590. There is also exactly the so called tiger head tiger head, appeared around 1893. Quality Oranda has a thickness of about 2/3panjang her body. Only a single tail fin. While the front of the rear fins, and tail in pairs. Tail fin should be ¾ of the length of its body.

 Its shades of red, yellow, blue, brown, black, silver color. As for calico oranda patterned with spots usually bluish violet, red, pink, yellow and brown, and black. In japan called azumanishiki calico oranda.

 This fish is nicknamed the eyes of the dragon in the east. While the Americans call telescope eyes. Early emerged around the year 1592. Characteristic of this chef, eyes protruding as if pursed.The thickness of the body matabelo chef has 2 / 3 of its body length. Eyes should be more prominent than the surface of the head. One dorsal fin, tail fin and front two. The length of the tail fin of at least 3 / 4 of body length. Colors should be shiny until the end of the fin.


 Other names the black peony or often called black dragon eyes. The thickness of the body's smallest chef 2 / 3 body length. The eyes should be prominent and rounded.

Another feature, a dorsal fin, width and can stand upright. Another pair of fins. Dorsal length of at least 3 / 4 body length. Dorsal side there is no indentation. Generally the whole body is black Moor. But there is also a copper-colored in the abdomen, and around the fins.
SOURCE: Images from google image.

Jenis Jenis ikan koki

Jenis Jenis Koki
Kini, koki semakin berkembang serta beragam bentuk dan warnanya sesuai dengan keunikan masing masing jenis. Bentuk tubuh dan pola sisiknya pun bervariasi, dari warna merah, kuning, hitam, hijau, emas, perak, ataupun kombinasi dari warna tersebut.
Di pasaran kita kebanyakan koki berasal dari Cina, Jepang, dan Thailand. Dan tak ketinggalan pula koki asal Tanah Air yaitu dari Tulungagung, Jawa Timur. Beberapa jenis Ikan Mas Koki yang beredar di masyarakat, antara lain Ranchu, LionHead, Ryukin, Tosakin, Koki Mutiara, Mata Balon, Oranda, Mata Belo, Black moor

Koki ganteng ( Ranchu = Koki ganteng , Bahasa Jepang ) ini banyak di incar pehobi koki. Koki yang juga di juluki The King Of Goldfish ini tergolong jenis paling tua. Pertama kali ditemukan di Jepang pada tahun 1784.
Sekilas penampilan si ganteng mirip LionHead. Namun ranchu memiliki bentuk punggung lebih melengkung ( Bongkok ), badan pendek, pipi menonjol keluar, serta posisi ekor lebih tinggi dari pada punggung. Karena postur itu, jenis koki ini lebih suka pakan yang tenggelam. Tubuhnya pun bisa mencapai 25cm lebih.
Atas dasar warna, ranchu bisa dibagi ke dalam beberapa kelompok. Seperti brown ranchu ( tubuhnya didominasi warna coklat mengkilat ), red and white ranchu ( warna merah putih di sekujur tubuh ), kaliko ranchu atau ranchu pancawarna ( pola warna merah, putih, hitam, kadang biru di seluruh bagian tubuh ) dan black ranchu ( seluruh tubuh hitam legam ). Ada juga ranchu merah polos dan warnaputih polos.
Keistimewaan ranchu bukan hanya soal warna. Kelucuan bentuk tubuh ranchu menjadi salah satu daya tarik koki jenis ini. Apalagi masih sedikitnya ranchu berkualitas hasil tangkaran para breeder. Paling hanya 10% anakan yang berkualitas bagus.
Ranchu memiliki kualitas jempolan memiliki bentuk badan kokoh, besar, dan serasi. Tubuh membulat, punggung membentuk setengah lingkaran ( bongkok ), dan ekor naik. Gerakan lucu dan gagah, sirip rapi dan utuh, serta warna harus cemerlang. Bentuk punggung adalah bagian penting dalam pemilihan ranchu, baru kemudian bagian kepala, ekor, dan perut. Makanya tak heran punggung ranchu di nilai tinggi.

Punggung koki jenis ini polos tak bersirip, datar, dan lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan ranchu. Sementara lemak dikepala besar dan menutupi hampir seluruh bagian kepala. Sepintas wajahnya seperti singa, sehingga di juluki lion head alias si kepala singa. Perut gendut, sirip ekor terbelah dua bagian. Di jepang ada varietas lion head berekor panjang, namanya shukin.
Si  kepala singa telah di budidayakan lebih kurang 50 tahun. Namun untuk mendapatkan lion head berkualitas kontes bukan perkara mudah. Dari 1.000 anakan hanya lima ekor yang bisa diandalkan untuk meraih jawara. Artinya, untuk mendapat lion head berkualitas, rasionya 1:200. Usia harapan hidup ikan ini antara 7-8 tahun, dengan catatan harus di pelihara dalam kondisi baik.

Jenis ryukin memiliki muka segitiga. Perut dan punggung yang “berpunuk” tampak seimbang. Pola warnanya merah, putih, merah-putih, dan sakura ( berpola mirip jenis calcio tanpa bintik hitam ). Sirip punggung tampak berdiri tegak. Sementara sirip ekor terbelah dua dan menutupi anal fin.
Ikan ini mulanya banyak dikembangkan di cina. Namun setelah dikirim ke negara Matahari Terbit, justru koki berkembang pesat. Jenis baru pun muncul seperti ryukin yang memiliki mata seperti koki mata belo yaitu demekin.
Ikan ini selintas mirip ryukin. Maklum, nenek moyangnya memang ryukin. Namun tosakin memiliki ciri khas yaitu sirip ekornya tidak terbelah dua. Tosakin satu satunya koki yang memiliki double tail tak terpisah bagian atasnya. Ikan jenis ini dihasilkan oleh para breeder di Jepang.
Sosok tosakin tampak aduhai bila dilihat dari atas ( Top View ). Dari kepala sampai badan berbentuk bulat telur dan di daerah pangkal ekor menyempit. Sirip ekornya mengembang. Nah, kabar gembira bagi para penghobis karena sekarang sudah ada jenis tosakin bermata belo.

Koki mutiara ( pearl scale ) muncul sekitar  tahun 1900. Sisiknya totol-totol berkilau seperti mutiara. Bentuk badannya khas, bulat seperti bola tenis. Perut buncit, kepala berbentuk kerucut, dan moncong kecil. Sementara ekor terbelah dua membentuk percabangan. Bila tengah berenang ekornya mengambang di permukaan air.
Berdasarkan bentuk kepala, bisa dibedakan mutiara berjambul dan tidak berjambul. Corak warnanya beragam: mutiara merah keemasan, putih polos, campuran merah putih. Sementara untuk pola calico memiliki warna dasar kebiruan dengan bintik violet, merah, merah muda, kuning-coklat, dan hitam.

Keunikan matabalon ( buble eyes ), kantung matanya membesar seperti balon. Bagian ini mudah terluka, karenanya jenis ini sebaiknya dipisahkan dari koki bertipe “galak”. Juga hindari memasang hiasan aquarium berujung runcing.

Saat berenang, mata balon harus seimbang, tidak condong ke depan. Tubuhnya sebaiknya pendek dengan punggung polos tanpa sirip. Sirip ekor harus terbelah dan mengembang. Kantung matanya kanan dan kiri harus sama atau seimbang serta sama besar.
Pola sisiknya bervariasi:polos, oranye, merah muda, merah hitam. Ada juga kombinasi beberapa warna atau bermotif kembang. Misalnya kombinasi merah, hitam , biru, dan putih.

Oranda berasal dari bahasa Jepang yang artinya Belanda. Karena dulu ketika awal kedatangan Belanda ke Jepang, bangsa Belanda membawa ikan koki. Sehingga orang Jepang menamai ikan itu Oranda, artinya Orang Belanda.

Jenis oranda atau pencer perutnya bulat dan tidak memiliki sirip punggung. Ekornya sangat panjang. Cirinya khasnya, ada jambul di kepala berwarna orange atau merah. Oranda dengan jambul mirip topi merah muncul pertama kali tahun 1590. Ada juga yang persis kepala macan sehingga dijuluki tiger head, muncul sekitar 1893. Oranda berkualitas memiliki ketebalan tubuh sekitar 2/3panjang tubuhnya. Sirip ekor hanya satu. Sementara sirip depan belakang, dan ekor berpasangan. Sirip ekor harus ¾ dari panjang tubuhnya.
Coraknya merah, kuning, biru, coklat, hitam, warna perak. Sementara untuk oranda berpola calico biasanya berwarna kebiruan dengan bintik violet, merah, merah muda, kuning dan coklat, serta hitam. Di jepang calico oranda disebut azumanishiki.

Ikan ini dijuluki si mata naga di kawasan timur. Sementara orang Amerika memanggilnya telescope eyes. Awal muncul sekitar tahun 1592. Ciri khas koki ini, mata menonjol keluar seolah olah mengerucut.
Ketebalan tubuh koki matabelo memiliki 2/3 dari panjang tubuhnya. Mata harus lebih menonjol daripada permukaan kepala. Sirip punggung satu, sirip depan dan ekor dua. Panjang sirip ekor minimal 3/4 dari panjang tubuh. Warna mesti mengkilat sampai ujung sirip.

Nama lainnya the black peony atau sering juga disebut black dragon eyes. Ketebalan tubuh koki ini paling kecil 2/3 panjang tubuhnya. Mata harus menonjol dan bulat.
Ciri lain, sirip punggung satu, lebar dan bisa berdiri tegak. Sirip lainnya sepasang. Panjang sirip belakang minimal 3/4 panjang tubuh. Sisi sirip belakang tidak ada lekukan. Umumnya seluruh bagian tubuh Moor berwarna hitam. Namun ada juga yang berwarna tembaga di bagian perut, dan sekitar sirip.

SUMBER: Gambar dari google image.

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

kinds of diseases in koi and their handling and medicine

Ancor Worm Disease (Shaped Anchor Worm Disease)
Are aquatic arthropods including crustaceans that attach themselves to the skin of fish, where it absorbs body fluids of worms of fish. These parasites can be seen throughout the year, especially in water having a temperature above 15o Celsius. Other, more popular name is Flea Needles.

o Often jump in surface water
o Often pressed tubuhkan on the wall or the bottom of the pond
o Parasitic worms approximately 5-10mm are prominent on the body

Treatment Method:
o Eliminate manually by pull out one by one by wearing a brace / tweezers
o For the larvae are still small, it can be eradicated with a sprinkling of drugs Masoten to koi ponds, with a size of 0.3-0.5 grams / 1 ton of pool water. If once the treatment has not been completed, it can be repeated up to 3 times with intervals of 1-2 weeks

Fishlice Disease (Diseases of Fish Lice)
The disease is caused by water fleas that live on the surface of the body. Various parasites several millimeters in length of fish moving around the body. These parasites cause red spots in various places by sucking blood and various wounds inflicted this leads to secondary microbial infections.

o Koi show abnormal swimming patterns, such as jumping onto the surface of the water
o rub his body on the side and bottom of the pool
o Gathered near the water surface with a tail appeared on the surface

Treatment Method:
o Giving Demilin with a dose of 1 gram / tonne of pool water
o Giving Masoten dose 0.3-0.5 grams / ton of pool water
o Both methods can be repeated 2-3 times with intervals of 1-2 weeks

Abrasion (Diseases Caused Friction)
The disease is caused by bacterial infections that occur coincidentally during transport are not careful or during arrest are not careful with the way the fish.

o Lack of slime can reduce the sheen of koi and raises its mark on the pectoral fins and tail fins that look whitish

Treatment Method:
o Be cautious at the time of arrest or removal of the koi, to avoid injury to the body koi
o Adding furan drugs in water used to raise koi. Fish younger than one year are very prone to friction and temperature

MATSUKASA / PENECONE (Cone Shaped Disease)
Some causes of this disease is a bacterial infection like Aeromonas and non-functioning of the internal organs.

o fish scales seen standing on end one by one, caused by the excessive collection of body fluids at the bottom. Therefore "Matsukasa" in Japanese means dalah Pine Cones

Treatment Method:
o The disease is extremely difficult to treat, but likely can be treated through the mouth of the fish, ie kind of sulfa drugs or antibiotics

HOLE DISEASE (Disease Shaped Hole)
The disease is caused by double infection on Aeromonas and other places.

o In the beginning, some scales seen standing on end
o When the increase is severe, the scales will fall and the local skin peeled off, exposing the flesh the bottom, like a gaping hole

Treatment Method:
o Provision of Malachite Green and Parazan, by mixing 0.3 ppm / ton water
o Clean the affected part by applying a Malachite Green
o Provide fish food mixed with Parazan

white spot (White Spot Disease)
The disease is caused by Parasitic ciliates called Lehthyoplithitius

o The spots are small, white less than 1 mm attached on the surface of koi
o Koi is infected becomes inactive and susceptible to secondary infections

Treatment Method:
o Provision of salt 5 kg / ton of pool water
o Or by giving temperatures above 25o Celsius (with heater)

Some people argue that this disease is caused by excessive feeding that contain lots of fat. But the real cause until now not known with certainty.

o Regional abnormally swollen belly
o eyeballs starting out of their sockets
o The tumor in the abdomen is usually detected through abdominal surgery

Treatment Method:
o In Japan, the disease is treated by surgery, something that can not be done by an amateur hobbyist koi

SEKOKE (Sunset Ridge Disease)
This disease is a disease caused by nutritional gurang ingestion of oxidized fats. It usually occurs in Koi food that is damaged (too long stored / expired)

o Backs koi are affected, looked thin when meat on the second dorsal fin drooping

Treatment Method:
o Early prevention by not feeding the koi fish that has been expired
o Wherever possible provide koi food containing vitamin E

This disease is a form of chemical poisoning, the Mass use of mixed materials for membasmii OrganoPhosporus excessive needle lice or fish lice.

o If the muscles of the spine affected, seen eating fish sink to the bottom of the koi pond or berputas swim in circles at the moment
o crooked spine, which can result in more severe cases

Treatment Method:
o How to prevent by taking into account the correct dose at the time of drug administration needle ticks

A disease that causes decay in the gills of fish caused by the fungus moss.

o Fish lose weight, then die
o If a fish looks suspicious, immediately retrieved and examined gill
o If the gills grayish red in color, many of which gripis, it was a sign of fish attacked

Treatment Method:
o Giving antibiotics Teramycin a dose of 20 grams / ton of pool water
o Replacement of water per day coupled with the replacement of antibiotics will help accelerate the healing process

Early prevention is best done by the koi keepers. Given the relatively expensive price, the fans would need to consider all matters relating to:
o Water quality
o Food Koi
o Some diseases that may arise

Immediately ask the experts in the field of koi, if you see things that feel unnatural occurred in koi. Given there are some diseases that are difficult to cure, it is better if we discuss or exchange experiences to fellow koi keepers, who may have had experience in dealing with a disease.

(Source: Books APKI - 3rd All Indonesian Koi Show 2001)

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Fish Farming Koi (Cyprinus carpio)

Koi Fish belongs to the class of carp fish (carp). Price Koi is determined by body shape and color display quality. Koi fish first became known in the Chin dynasty in 265 and 316 AD. Koi with beautiful color and behavior as we know it today, was developed in Japan 200 years ago in the mountains of Niigata by farmers Yamakoshi. Breeding is done for many years produced the lineage that became the standard assessment of koi. Some varieties are spread throughout the world classified Koi Association of Japan (Nippon Airinkai en) into 13 groups, among others: Bekko, Utsurinomo, Asagi-Shusui, Goromo, Kawarimono, Ogon and Hikari-moyomono. While the five main groups namely Kohaku, Sanke, Showa, Hirarinuji and Kawarigoi. Taxonomy koi are as follows: Philum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Cyprinoformes Family: Cyprinidae Genus: Cyprinus Species: Carpio Koi value depends on the size, shape and balance of the pattern and intensity of skin color. Koi is best to have the intensity, the best color balance and clarity. Buy small koi should be selected that has the biggest head, will usually grow into fish with a large body. The best shape is like a "torpedo".
1. Site selection & construction container Koi fish live naturally in the rushing water and thus require clear water and high oxygen levels. Maintenance of the best koi in the pond is so easy to get natural foods and sunlight to stimulate the body staining. Swimming partly dinaungai because of too much sun causes the water temperature increases and swimming pool water becomes cloudy due to blooming of phytoplankton. Small koi can be placed in an aquarium, although it can not be a permanent habitat.When kept in groups, the koi would learn not to disturb the fish of the same size, but eat smaller fish. Koi like to dig the pond, causing damage plant roots.
2. Cultivation Techniques 2.1 Water Quality Water is the medium of life and affect the display quality koi fish that need attention.Water quality to support the development of optimum koi are as follows: v Water temperature ranges from 24-26oC, v pH 7.2 to 7.4 (mildly alkaline) v at least 3-5 ppm oxygen, v max 10 ppm CO2, nitrite max v 0.2. Water used must terdeklorinisasi or filtered and precipitated 24 hours. Water used for spawning and hatching eggs should have the oxygen content and temperature stable.To ensure the availability of oxygen can be used aerator, while the bath temperature at spawning cultivated together with the pool water temperature to the level difference (fluctuation) of less than 5oC.
2.2. Feed Koi are bottom feeders (eating at the base) and omnivorous (eating everything).Artificial feed for the rearing of koi can be given in the form of granules (pellets). The main protein source is the formulation of a combination of plant materials (eg soy flour, corn flour, wheat flour, wheat leaves, etc.) and animal material (such as fish meal, shrimp head meal, squid meal, oyster, etc.) as well as multivitamins and minerals such as Ca , Mg, Zn, Fe, Co as supplementary feed.
Feed quality will determine the color display as the appeal of its own koi fish, so a lot of effort has been made by using feed ingredients that contain substances such pigments carotene (orange), regular (yellow) and astasantin (red). These substances are contained in the body of animals and certain plants such as carrots contain carotene, while algae, chlorella, cabbage, green peppers contain routine; spirulina, crab, shrimp contain astasantin. The farmers now no longer need to prepare their own food because it is commercially available koi food that has been formulated in accordance with the needs of nutrients and substances for the formation of color koi fish. Natural food or live food such as blood worms, earthworms, daphnia, tubifex worms koi match on the given seed (up to weight 50 g / fish) because it is more easily digested by the seed in accordance with the conditions of the digestive system, but it can also take phitoplankton koi in the pond The amount of feed given based on the number of fish (weight biomass) in the pool with a range of needs of 3-5% per day, with a frequency of 2-3 times per day it is well adapted to the conditions of fish and water media maintenance.
2.3. Seeding A good parent is to have a bright color patterns vary symmetrical body shape like a torpedo with a minimum weight of 1 kg. Most farmers prefer to buy good quality koi for the prospective parent with a size of 5-8 cm of low-cost to be raised to the parent. Naturally, carp spawn in spring and mature gonads by raising the temperature of the water. Male and female parent are placed in separate containers (to avoid unwanted spawn) and not fed for several days. Koi can spawn naturally and artificial stimulation of the hormone that is injected in the mother's body to speed up the process of fertilization. Injecting Pituitary Gland (PG, ovaprim trade name) with a dose of 0.2 mg / kg weight of fish for one-time injection. Ovulation will occur 10 hours after injection. Spawning system without sorting / stripping is called semi-natural spawning is more secure because without injuring the fish. If the fish are spawning naturally difficult to do so that should help the process of artificial fertilization, the egg and sperm sorting carried out (stripping) which is the last option. Parent in a single spawning females can produce 75,000 eggs / kg body weight.Comparison of the number of parent in the process of spawning is 2 females and 1 male. Usually eggs by the female parent dikelurkan attached to the substrate (injuk) which immediately fertilized by male sperm. After the fertilized eggs should be separated from the parent, the parent of the container by moving or otherwise spawning egg is removed and transferred into the hatching container.
2.4. Nursery The fertilized egg will hatch after 24-48 hours depending on temperature. During hatching, egg density is 1 kg per 5 liters of water. The newly hatched larvae do not require feeding for 3-4 days, because they still have a yolk sac. Towards the yolk out, need to be given natural feed or feed artemia naupli other natural size. Then gradually be given artificial feed in the form of dry granules (pellets). Within 5 days after a million larvae require 7 kg of brine, or about 0.5 to 2 kg per day. At this stage larvae are stocked at density of 20-40 larvae / liter. To produce one million fingerlings requires approximately 25kg artemia eggs. For 9-day survival rate is 50-80%. The fish that weighed 10 mg can be sold for U.S. $ 0.25 or about Rp. 2.500, -. Larvae weighing 0.25 g is given artificial feed (grain) dry and can didederkan into the pool until fingerling size (2 grams). Nursery is divided into two phases, namely nursery I care for 2 months until the larvae reach fingerling size (2-3 cm). Nursery II, conducted in the treated pool to grow natural food and the selection and thinning (reduced density).Thinning aims to provide sufficient space for the koi. Selection aim to get good quality Koi fish. The time required from egg to reach fingerling size (2 grams) is 6-8 weeks with the survival rate (SR) 55%. Meanwhile, to achieve the necessary size of 5-8 cm in four months time. Quality koi (pattern and color) depend from tetuanya. From the selection of fingerling size, which reached 25-50% reject rate. Than 1 million eggs can be produced 225000-338000 tail of good quality fingerlings (22-33%).
2.5. Coloration Quality Koi is determined by the color pattern, the suitability types of koi and color clarity. Color pattern that is symmetrical with clear boundaries between colors indicate good quality. Genotyping to determine the number and types of pigment cells and chromatophores.Chromatophores produce color also influenced the fish brain. Fish tend to be dark in dark container, and vice versa. Colors can be changed when the fish was under pressure (stress). Usually slow-growing fish have a better color than the fish that grow rapidly because the pigment can be modified and used for body growth. All his life, koi can save and use the pigment. Young koi are colored pale pigmented feed when given for 6 weeks before the sale will attract colorful. The intensity of color depends on the amount of pigment in the chromatophores. Pigment can appear in the presence of carotenoids in the feed.
2.6. Pre Harvest Koi grow about 2 cm per month and at the age of 60 years can reach lengths of up to 1 m. When Koi fish has reached market size of 20 cm can be harvested and made the final selection, by separating the type, size and color pattern of his body. From the results of this selection, the selected Koi grew up in the tub or cement pool while waiting for a good market price. In this final camp, fish could be improved in shape, if made too fat or too skinny slender made fatter. Subsequent maintenance of cultivated not too dense, it would be better if the vessel is equipped aerator so that the freshness of the water is assured and with a good feeding can improve the quality of Koi fish body color.

Sumber:  http://www.perikanan-budidaya.go.id/detail_berita_fr.php?id=215

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Jenis Koi Beserta Pola Warnanya

Kohaku adalah Koi putih dengan pola warna merah. Warna putih pada Kohaku menjadi pusat perhatian untuk menentukan kualitasnya. Putihnya harus benar-benar putih sedangkan warna merah harus pekat dan cerah. Kohaku, Taisho Sanshoku dan Showa Sanshoku adalah verietas yang paling populer, mereka disebut "Gosanke (3 Besar)."

Taisho Sanshoku:Taisho Sanshoku adalah Koi putih dengan pola warna merah dan hitam. Karena varietas ini ditemukan pada era Taisho di Jepang, maka disebut "Taisho Sanshoku" atau disebut "Taisho Sanke" atau "Sanke".

Showa Sanshoku:Showa Sanshoku adalah Koi hitam dengan pola warna merah dan putih. Disebut Showa karena varietas ini ditemukan pada era Showa di Jepang. Singkatnya disebut "Showa Sanshoku" atau "Showa".

Utsuri mono:Utsuri mono adalah Koi hitam dengan pola warna putih (Shiro Utsuri), merah (Hi Utsuri) atau kuning (Ki utsuri).

Bekko:Bekko adalah Taisho Sanshoku yang tidak ada pattern/pola warna merah (Shiro Bekko). Jenis yang lain meliputi Aka Bekko (koi merah dengan pola warna hitam), Ki Bekko (koi kuning dengan pola warna hitam).

Asagi:Koi biru keabu-abuan dengan warna merah di sisi badannya, sisi kepala dan sirip.

Shusui:Shusui adalah Koi jenis Asagi dari kelompok Doitsu (Koi dengan sisik hanya dibagian punggung / sisi saja).

Koromo:Koromo adalah Koi dengan pola warna merah yang sekelilingnya berwarna gelap.

Goshiki:Goshiki adalah Koi jenis Asagi yang mempunyai pattern warna merah.

Hikari Muji: Adalah Koi metalik yang berwarna tunggal.

Hikari Moyo:Hikari Moyo adalah Koi metalik dengan 2 atau 3 warna, kecuali jenis Utsuri dan Showa yang berwarna metalik, jenisnya meliputi:

Hariwake- Koi perak dengan pola warna kuning keemasan
Kikusui- Doitsu Hariwake dengan pola warna merah
Yamato Nishiki- Taisho Sanshoku yang berwarna metalik
Heisei Nishiki- Taisho Sanshoku metalik jenis Doitsu
Kujyaku- Goshiki metalik

Hikari Utsuri: Jenis Utsuri yang berwarna metalik, jenisnya meliputi:
Kin Showa- Showa metalik
Gin Shiro Utsuri- Shiro Utsuri metalik
Kin Ki Utsuri- Ki Utsuri metalik

Tancho adalah Koi dengan bulatan merah di kepalanya. Berdasarkan pattern/pola warna lain dibadannya, Tancho dibedakan jenisnya antara lain:Tancho Kohaku, Doitsu Tancho Kohaku, Tancho Showa, Tancho Goshiki.

Kin Ginrin:Kin Ginrin adalah Koi dengan sisik keemasan atau keperakkan.

Doitsu:Koi dengan sisik hanya dibagian punggung / sisi saja.

Kawari mono: Adalah Koi non metalik yang tidak termasuk dalam kelompok lainnya. Contohnya Chagoi (Koi coklat/hijau kecoklatan/kuning kecoklatan), Ochiba shigure (Koi biru abu-abu dengan pola warna coklat), Kumonryu, Beni Kumonryu, dll.

Dari 16 kelompok ini, hanya 3 kelompok saja yang selalu memenangkan gelar Grand Champion, yaitu: Kohaku, Taisho Sanke dan Showa Sanshoku (terbanyak adalah Kohaku), sehingga ketiga kelompok ini disebut "Gosanke" / "Tiga Besar". Di bawah ini adalah kriteria pemilihannya:

Kriteria dalam memilih Kohaku yang baik:

* Kohaku yang baik adalah kohaku memiliki warna putih seputih salju (tidak kecoklat2an atau kekuning2an).
* Tanda Merah (Hi) yang lebih baik adalah yang gelap tetapi cerah.
* Hi yang baik adalah yang tersebar diseluruh badan.
* Hi yang besar lebih baik dari yang kecil.
* Kohaku yang tidak terdapat / terkena Hi dikepalanya ("bald head" / kepala botak) kurang berharga.
* Hi dikepala sebisa mungkin tidak melebihi mata, rahang dan pipi tetapi boleh mencapai hidung atau mata (asal tidak melebihi).
* Kohaku yang memiliki Hi yang mencapai mulut disebut "Hanatsuki".
* Kohaku yang memiliki Hi yang tersebar / memenuhi kepala / wajah disebut "Menkaburi".
* Kohaku yang memiliki Hi yang terdapat di bibir / mulut disebut "Kuchibeni".
* Dalam kasus dimana bentuk Hi dikepala tidak baik dan juga melebihi mata, tanda "Kuchibeni" diperlukan.
* Tanda merah diperlukan ada didekat pangkal ekor, dan disebut "Ojime". Ojime paling tidak berjarak 1-2 cm dari pangkal ekor.
* Corak bagian belakang, dekat ekor, kalau bisa easy looking (jangan terlalu besar).
* Memiliki Kiwa yang tegas dan jelas, tidak blur atau ber-gradasi. (Kiwa adalah pertemuan antara 2 warna yang berbeda.)
* Komposisi antara warna merah dan putih 70 : 30
* Kohaku yang untuk kontes, jangan ada tompel merah di pipinya.

Jenis-jenis Kohaku:

* Step Type, adalah kohaku yang memiliki pola berstep; 2 step (Nidan), 3 step (Sandan), 4 step (Yondan).
* Straight Hi, adalah kohaku yang memiliki Hi tidak terputus dari kepala hingga ekor.
* Lightning Hi, adalah kohaku yang memiliki Hi berpola seperti halilintar (Inazuma Kohaku)
* Gotenzakura, adalah kohaku yang memiliki Hi berpola bulat2 (seperti buah Cherry) rapi dan simetris.
* Maruten Kohaku, adalah kohaku yang memiliki Tancho (bulatan) di kepalanya.
* Masih banyak lagi jenis2 kohaku yang lainnya seperti : Doitsu Kohaku, Kinzakura, Fuji Kohaku, Kanoko kohaku, Platinum Kohaku, Kinginrin Kohaku, dll. Tetapi untuk kontes (show), biasanya lebih disukai Tipe Step dan Inazuma, bahkan belakangan ini tipe Maruten kohaku juga mulai disukai untuk kontes. Tetapi penilaian ikan juga tidak terlepas dari nilai keseluruhan dari ikan ybs.

Kriteria dalam memilih Sanke yang baik:

* Untuk warna putih seputih salju, merah semerah darah dan hitamnya pekat.
* Merah di kepala sebisa mungkin tidak melewati mata, pipi, mulut bahkan kalau perlu jangan melewati hidung.
* Sanke yang istimewa tidak memiliki sumi (hitam) dikepalanya.
* Sumi diatas warna putih (Tsubo-Sumi) lebih disukai dibandingkan sumi diatas warna merah (Kasane-Sumi).
* Komposisi antara warna merah, putih dan hitam adalah 70:20:10
* Sirip dengan lebih sedikit strip (garis2 hitam) lebih elegan dibandingkan dengan yang lebih banyak strip.

Jenis-jenis Sanke:

* Taisho Sanke.
* Aka-Sanke; Taisho Sanke dengan warna merah (Hi) yang lebih dominan dan menyebar dari kepala ke ekor. Memang lebih impresif tapi kurang elegan.
* Yamato-Nishiki; Taisho Sanke Hikarimoyo (metalik).
* Fuji-Sanke: Taisho Sanke dengan memiliki aksen silver di kepalanya.
* Kanoko Sanke, Doitsu Sanke, Kinginrin Sanke, Tancho Sanke, Koromo Sanke dan Sanke-Shusui.

Kriteria dalam memilih Showa yang baik:

* Untuk warna putih seputih salju, merah semerah darah dan hitamnya pekat.
* Pangkal sirip depan hitam (motoguro). Ingat hanya pangkalnya saja, Tidak putih semua atau hitam semua dan juga tidak ada stripe merah.
* Diperlukan tanda Hi (merah) yang besar di kepala.
* Diperlukan paling tidak 20% warna putih. Warna putih diperlukan pada kepala, pangkal ekor dan punggung.
* Komposisi antara warna merah, putih dan hitam adalah 60:20:20
* Sumi (Hitam) dikepala membagi Hi menjadi 2, lebih impresif lagi jika membentuk huruf V dan berpangkal di hidung.

Jenis-jenis Showa:

* Showa Sanshoku.
* Kindai Showa; Showa yang didominasi warna putih.
* Hi Showa; Showa yang didominasi warna merah.
* Boke Showa; Showa dengan sumi yang blur dan muda (abu2).
* Kage Showa; Showa dengan bayangan potongan2 kecil sumi pada Hi atau warna putihnya.
* Doitsu Showa, Kanoko-Showa, Koromo Showa, Showa Shusui, Kin Showa dan Gin Showa.

Perbedaan mendasar Sanke dan Showa:

* Taisho Sanke tidak memiliki Sumi di kepalanya.
* Sumi pada Taisho sanke hanya menyebar di punggungnya. Sumi pada Showa menyebar dihampir seluruh tubuhnya.
* Sirip depan Taisho Sanke putih atau ber-strip, sedangkan Showa memiliki sumi pada pangkalnya (motoguro).

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